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戦国Ⅰ 六日 綸旨を本願寺蓮如に下し、中の院家領加賀の国額田の庄・加納八田の庄の守護使押妨に、同寺門徒が同意するを停止させる。ついで二十九日、中の院通秀、再度の押領停止の綸旨下賜を奏請する。(Sengoku I, On the 6th Naka no In sent an missive to Rennyo of Honganji, demanding that he intervene to prevent incursions into Nukata no Shō and Hatta no Shō by members of Honganji in collusion with the shugo deputy to both estates. On the 29th, Michihide once again sent a missive calling for such invasions to cease)


戦国Ⅰ 六日 綸旨を本願寺蓮如に下し、中の院家領加賀の国額田の庄・加納八田の庄の守護使押妨に、同寺門徒が同意するを停止させる。ついで二十九日、中の院通秀、再度の押領停止の綸旨下賜を奏請する。(Sengoku I, On the 6th Naka no In sent an missive to Rennyo of Honganji, demanding that he intervene to prevent incursions into Nukata no Shō and Hatta no Shō by members of Honganji in collusion with the shugo deputy to both estates. On the 29th, Michihide once again sent a missive calling for such invasions to cease)

「中の院家文書」(文明九年)一四七七年 (Naka no In Household Documents, Bunmei 9, 1477)
二月六日(文明九年)            右中辨政顯(あき)(勧修寺)

     謹上  本願寺法印(蓮如)御房 (p.268)

A document sent to Honganji (and Rennyo in particular) from Naka no In in relation to matters within both Nukata no Shō and Hatta no Shō. Apparently a deputy of the shugo was engaging in land seizures within both shoen, and members of the Monto were aiding him in doing so, which was an absolutely deplorable situation. From the wording of the document, it appears that Mitsuhide had addressed this concern to Honganji before (through the intervention of the shogunate). The Monto were thus to cease their disruptions and warned not to engage in such behaviour, a point that the emperor had also given his consent to.

© Greg Pampling. This page was modified in December 2011